Instalok Instalok - Queueing Up

Just lost a game, tried my hardest
Was unfamiliar with the role
Misunderstandings in champ select
The time took its toll

I don't want to have to fill again
It seems to end up in defeat
I wish that I could choose top lane even before I play
What's this I see?

I'm queuing up to find the right team
Wondering just who they might be
No pick order or calling for roles
So I get to play what I want

Everyone's playing their champion so well
Our Jungler knows how to smite
Mid is roaming, our support is buying wards
And our marksman kites

It's nice to see teamwork from everyone
Glad I got to practice top
What a game! It was close but we won
Now I'll try out mid!

I'm queuing up to find the right team
Wondering just who they might be
No pick order and/or calling for roles
So I get to play what I want